Tough Love on Brexit Rage

Tough Love on Brexit Rage

OK, so the UK voted to leave the EU… what now my awakened friend?

I see a lot of anger, sadness, outrage and, frankly, pain and suffering on social media today… based on what?

Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? Everything’s going to sh%t!
Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? We should hang our heads in shame!
Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? We should attack those that voted to leave!

The reality is, we just don’t know ‘what now’ in practical, legal and economic terms. There’s good evidence for various scenarios, but even the genuine ‘experts’ (you know, the people that actually know what they’re talking about) state very clearly that the only thing we know for sure is that we don’t know how a decision to leave the EU will play out…

Projections and assumptions is all we have to go on…

So I wanted to invite you to look a little deeper…

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever been surprised by your own decisions? Done something you thought you’d never do? Something that, at the time, you thought was bad?

I know I have, and on each occasion, though it may have precipitated surprise, change, massive disruption and often pain… at some level there was healing and growth underneath it.

My Soul, as I see it, had decided it was time to bring light to some aspect of my shadow… to set it free… enlighten it… In accordance with my prayers and intentions…

What you may not have thought about, or realised is:

The UK has a Soul.

All countries do, as part of their collective consciousness and identity. Nations (and anything with a defined boundary) are Beings in their own right. And if you are a UK citizen, then you are part of it. Like organs and cells are individually themselves, but also part of you.

So let me speak to something bigger than your personal, localised self… your personalised local Soul even…

And let me ask you this:

Are you willing to stay with your ‘self’ in the face of the healing that’s being asked for from your Soul? Or will you shy away, splinter off in anger and self recrimination? For as you rage and persecute those that voted to leave for ‘their ignorance’ you split the very thing you say you love, and prolong the pain.

The personal responses to the national decision very much reflect our responses to ourselves when we believe we have f*%ked things up.

I believe you are interested in a conscious, healing response to the reality of the situation…

So, let’s break it down:

I’ve stated these reactions in a pretty bold way, and you might say “I don’t think that”… just be aware that I’ve used these terms to highlight the essence of the reaction in a very obvious way, however they can show up in more subtle and ‘civilised/rational’ ways. And in anywise, it’s an invitation to ask yourself if these are happening within you…

REACTION 1: Everything’s going to sh%t!

Our minds are natural “Disaster Movie Making Machines”. You know this! So I invite you to examine your assumptions with some genuine self inquiry if you’re generating suffering in yourself by believing your minds scary story.

You can ask Byron Katie’s amazing questions, starting with “Is it true?”

REACTION 2: We should hang our heads in shame!

At the heart of this is an identity issue. You’ve taken the decision personally and attached a meaning to our national identity (including you) based on the decision we’ve made that is causing you pain. Shame and self condemnation my friend is pain.

Freeing up painful attachment to your sense of identity isn’t about denying your actions or their consequences. It’s about dropping the paralysing, disabling disempowerment, bringing clarity and freedom of movement to respond wholesomely in presence.

The NPA Process works directly with identity issues and is great for helping you step out of blocks which come from identity shifts. It empowers you to stop beating yourself up and start taking clear positive action at times like these. It also frees you up to allow IN the new sense of self that your Soul is calling for.

REACTION 3: We should attack those that voted to leave!

So you feel angry. I get it.
Things didn’t go as you wanted or expected… An idea about the future has been shattered. And you’re scared.

Anger can be a tough emotion to sit with. I get that too.
That’s why we tend to avoid it.
That’s why we project it out. Look for someone to blame.

“Those ignorant idiots! How could they do it?”

This doesn’t address the emotion directly. It doesn’t take the healing opportunity that’s being offered and it puts YOU firmly in the victim roll… which. I’m guessing, ISN’T where your heart lays…

You might expect me to say “Don’t be angry, it’s all as it’s meant to be” yada yada…

But that isn’t real is it? If you’re feeling anger… FEEL it. And I mean really feel it. Sit your ass down and let the pure anger come. It’s a wave, and like all emotions it comes to pass. The avenue of passage is direct and full experience… projecting it out is just playing tennis with it.

Letting it truly come to pass, again, will free you from unconscious pain inducing responses AND most likely bring you the gift of awareness about where this national decision hooks you at a personal level. All good!

You can certainly use NPA to help you fully experience this, and there are lots of modalities which encourage you to do this, including Transformational Breathing, Vipassana style meditation and more.

A great method for directly sitting in emotions, which I have practiced and taught all over the world, is The Journey… So I have included a link to that in a list of resources below.

Tough Love

I’ve called this tough love, because I believe we’re in a time where we are being called to USE the knowledge we have as awakened, conscious folk. I’ve seen a lot of these reactions from a lot of conscious people this morning… Including myself!

I felt, literally, moved to write this and I hope it serves you to bring greater peace, grounded-ness, consciousness and freedom when the energy in the air is a little bit crazy.

Please do share this if it resonates.

Much Love


The Work of Byron Katie:
The NPA Process:
The Journey:


Time & The Eternal Present: Resolving The Paradox

Time & The Eternal PresentHow do we resolve the paradox of eternal presentness and the construct of time, in our ever-so-spiritually aware world? It’s been a conundrum to be sure.

One of the things I found after NPA became intricately enmeshed with my world, was that many apparent spiritual paradoxes faded into smiles as the non-personal perspective came alive in me. So I thought I would offer the non-personal perspective into this debate, as it’s one that has caused confusion and consternation in many an awakened Soul.

Now is Good. Future is Bad.

This cheeky little subtitle references George Orwell’s Animal Farm, where the sheep chant the pigs decree: “Four legs good, two legs bad”…

Spiritual FarmWell, it’s a popular view in modern spirituality, that experiencing the ‘now’ is good, whilst entertaining the future (or past for that matter) is somehow less enlightened. For those who approach spirituality as a goal oriented sport (obviously not you, but you probably know someone who does) this is high octane fuel for your seeker missiles. Eternal presents, a fine target to aim for…

The thing is, you are in the present moment anyway. How could you be anything else?
The mechanism of experience is the same regardless of time constructs.

The Present is the touch point of, and cornerstone reference for, our human experience.

Future Flavoured Translations

There’s nothing YOU have to DO to be present.
And even the EXPERIENCE of the present is a construct.

This, my friend, is the realisation that you ARE what you are seeking… there is nothing for YOU to DO…
In that, all constructs are free to come and go. Past, Future, Present… the dream… the experience…

We are, quite simply, witnessing and experiencing a stream of translations in the matrix of infinite possibility. The stream unfolds as it does, and sometimes future flavoured translations float by…

So, I encourage you to enjoy the game of future events, and watch the unfolding of reality in the present.

Namaste, eternal time travellers 😉



“You are in the present moment anyway. How could you be anything else?” via @JoelYoungNPA

“The Present is the touch point of, and cornerstone reference for, our human experience” via @JoelYoungNPA

“There’s nothing YOU have to DO to be present” via @JoelYoungNPA

“We are witnessing & experiencing a stream of translations in the matrix of infinite possibility” via @JoelYoungNPA

“I encourage you to enjoy the game of future events, and watch the unfolding of reality in the present” via @JoelYoungNPA

Does Money Matter?

Does Money Matter?This post looks deeper at the thorny area of wealth, money and abundance. It hopes to help you hack through the prickly undergrowth and awaken the sleeping beauty within…


I’m always grateful for comments. I find they inspire me, and my responses are as much a discovery for me as I hope they are for the commenter! My recent postWant Wealth? Get Connected To What Truly Matterselicited a comment from Sara that held questions. As I commented back it took me deeper into the topic. I realised there was a LOT to say and that this response actually merited a post all it’s own. You could think of this post as a ‘Part 2’ and I strongly recommend you read the previous post as a ‘Part 1’ as it will give you a context for what comes below.

Sara’s Comment & Questions

“I’m confused. Are you talking about wealth as a connection to/with abundance or to/with monetary wealth? Both ‘matter’ for more or less everyone yet, as you clearly state, the lack of the later (money) might show us that we don’t value it as much as other aspects of our lives. How so? Given that the vast majority of people live such monetised lives, how come materialising monetary wealth is so darn difficult? Thanks for a thought/comment-provoking read.”

My Response

Hi Sara, Thanks so much for your comment and questions. I LOVE that you found it thought provoking and boy, is it easy to get confused on this one. I’ll give it a shot and answer your questions as best I can from my perspective…

Q: “Are you talking about wealth as a connection to/with abundance or to/with monetary wealth?”

I would say I am inviting people to investigate. Firstly their relationship between them, and then if their story meets the reality, which naturally leads to your second question…

Q: “Given that the vast majority of people live such monetised lives, how come materialising monetary wealth is so darn difficult?”

Monetary Wealth: Easy Peasy or Herculean Effort?

Here’s what I’ve noticed…

For some people, monetary wealth is easy peasy. It has nothing to do with ‘their work being their passion’, ‘them following their dream’ etc etc – it’s just that for them it shows up.

For others, they can do all the ‘right things’, follow their dream etc etc. but when they look at their balance sheet and tell themselves ‘I have to make money’ it all starts to feel like a total grind. Their Herculean efforts in pursuit of the money are largely ineffective. The fact is, when their focus shifts to the money, somewhere inside they die a little… OK, I’m being melodramatic here, but sometimes that’s how it feels, right?

So if you’re in situation 1, money truly matters to you! You love it without issue; without conflict. It’s not necessarily attached to a particular task, purpose or feeling (though it could be); it’s just the neutral truth. In NPA terms we would say that money is a primary active energy within your field of awareness. In simple terms, money truly matters to you so it materialises for you readily.

If you’re more in the realm of situation 2, the neutral truth is that, on balance, money doesn’t truly matter to you. Money is NOT a primary active energy within your field of awareness. Perhaps it’s secondary or tertiary, but it’s not the first point of materialisation and not directly connected to your natural stream of abundance.

But that switch of focus from what truly matters to you, to ‘money’ is where the suffering, stalling and struggle begins. It’s like driving a train alongside the railway track rather than on it; it’s highly inefficient, bumpy, fraught with danger and not very clever.

The difficulty for you in this case, is that the modern cultural mythology and the structures built around that, bathe you daily in the idea that money matters most, or at least more than it actually does to you. Your tendancy is probably to buy into that perspective, and disconnect from your local experience and perspective.

The challenge then is to buck the mythology and trust that money matters enough that it will materialise in support of what truly matters, where money is required to facilitate that.

The self inquiry suggested in the previous blog: Want Wealth? Get Connected To What Truly Matters (as I’m sure you’re aware) is a starting point.

Get Your Train Back On The Tracks

My invitation is to get your train back on the tracks, and here’s how:

STEP 1: Get real about what truly matters, discover the huge wealth of it that you already have and appreciate your natural abundance.

STEP 2: Come to peace with your relationship to monetary wealth as it truly is right now and understand where it sits in the landscape of who you experience yourself to be.

STEP 3: Allow these relationships to evolve in a way that keeps you as connected as possible to; your point of materialisation, your sense of abundance and any newly clarified intentions, in a sustainable way going forward.


So now I’ve written all this, I realise two things.

Firstly, that a lot of people could probably use help with those three steps.

Secondly that I can’t fully claim to have it all down myself. BUT what I DO know, is what truly matters to me. And what matters to me is finding creative ways to help myself and others live a kinder, easier and more fulfilling life. I find this effortless and there’s a wealth of it in my life. Furthermore, I realise that NPA, it’s perspectives and the creative ways I’ve come to use it is a perfect vehicle through which these inquiries can be explored.

Wanna Take A Ride?Wanna Take A Ride?

With that in mind I’ve decided to create a month long experiential tele-seminar called The August Abundance Assembly and invite you to join me! That way, together we can travel through the 3 evolutionary steps to connected wealth alignment that I outlined above.

So, if you’re interested in getting back on the tracks of abundance that have been Gracefully laid out for you in this lifetime, and taking a joyful ride on the true-wealth train with me, then hop on over to this page where you can sign up for more info about The August Abundance Assembly, with me & Non-Personal Awareness – and be the first to know when the booking goes live!



How To Get What You Want Without Trying

How To Get What You Want Without TryingStriving, trying hard, struggling… these are the misplaced modern virtues that keep us on the Ferris Wheel of exhaustion. They are hailed within our culture as noble and praise worthy. The mythology goes: ‘It ain’t worth a damn if you don’t bust your gut gettin’ it”

The thing is, we’re in one of those weird phases where we are culturally clinging to our mythology and simultaneously sick and tired of it. Or, to keep it mythological; the spell is wearing off but we’re still under.

You see, the spell rests on a simple mechanism. The spell dresses it seductively, oozes sincere promises and, when challenged, spouts spurious logic with convincing charm. “It is no mere mechanism,” it will tell you, “it is the way to get what you want!” The mechanism itself is neutral, available and happy for your ‘wants’ to come as they may…

So, what is the mechanism and what is the dressing?

Intention & Agenda

The mechanism is intention. The spell-binding dressing is agenda.

An agenda, in the way it’s meant here, is a fixed plan or idea of how things should be; how what you want should show up and perhaps the path that should lead to it’s arrival. 

An agenda about life tends to skew your perspective and rarely puts you in the discovery mode that facilitates an alive and energetically free state of being. Rather it has you trying to fix or control life, your experience and the experience of those around you.

Life has energy resources beyond anything you can imagine, let alone access personally. It is constantly offering you energetically pre-paid pathways of manifestation, which may or may not match your agenda. Your agenda makes you personally responsible for ‘making it happen that way’. It closes you off from Life’s creative chaos and puts the energy liability firmly in your court.

Drop The Agenda

When you drop the agenda about what life SHOULD be or look like, you are open to the the flow that is coming through you anyway.

Yes you read that right – ‘coming through you anyway’. You see, we’ve had the story of intention all rather back to front. We’ve been sold the idea that our agenda sets the intention, whereas a little self inquiry will reveal that that is not the case.

Actually, intention comes in service to a deep impulse, which originates prior to the experience of ‘self’. The impulse arises from the non-personal space and meets (or connects with) the personal experience. At that moment, the mechanism of intention is activated.

The impulse is the herald, announcing that the ESSENCE of what is wanted has arrived and is willing to express itself through you. Intention connects it to your personal experience and is very neutral about how that manifests.

When you drop the agenda, the impulse for the experience you ultimately want has space to emerge in ways that perhaps you hadn’t considered, or even in the form you expected it!

Dropping the agenda allows you to break the cultural spell and ride on the coat tails of the Universes infinite power. There’s less striving and more efficiency - you simply get what you want without trying.

Joel Young

Your comments, as always, are welcome and please share this with your networks if you found it helpful <3


Don’t Mistake An Option For A Necessity

Option NecessityOften-times in the world of healing and personal growth you may be told, or have it implied, that a particular set of conditions must be met, a certain route must be taken or a specific approach or method is the only “real” way to heal or shift your life.

A classic example is the idea that we must resolve painful experiences from the past in order to be free for a better future. While that may be a truly powerful ‘vehicle’ for the shift that suits the reality constructs of millions, there are also millions who have made, and will make, equivalent shifts with no need to recourse to their personal history.

“A” Way, Not “THE” Way

While I offer the non-personal perspective with passion and a heartfelt beleif in its potential value to those that connect with it, I am always keen to say that NPA is “A” way, not “THE” way.

It is my view that a key gift of this Human life experience is variety – many possible routes to every outcome. There are always options and in a world still full of dictatorial expressions it boils down to this:

“Don’t mistake an option for a necessity.”

Joel Young

SHARING IS OPTIONAL (& very much appreciated) ;0)



Treat God Like An Investor

Treat God like an InvestorSeveral years ago my Dad was doing some investment consulting. He was looking with one eye at the cutting edge innovation bourne from universities and their research. And with the other eye he was looking from an investment viability stand point.

At one stage he had dealings with a guy who was responsible for the investment portfolio of a massive, and very famous, retail outlet.

This guys remit was to invest £1million a day. Yes, one million pounds every day!

People Ask For Too Little

So here’s the thing. In order to invest even a few thousand pounds there are checks, and due diligence and all sorts of things that need to take place. All this takes time! And all these checks are so an investor can be as sure as possible that they can reap the rewards that matter to them at a later time.

When your job is to invest £1million a day, that’s a lot of due diligence and a lot of time. So he wasn’t the slightest bit interested in considering any investment of less than 50-100 million.

“The problem” he explained to my Dad “is that people think too small and ask for too little”

Whet God’s Appetite For A Big Juicy Stake

Let’s not get too literal here, but what if you approach God like an investor? And this investor has a LOT to invest every day. 

If you’re up for playing along, you can ask yourself what matters to this investor (according to you) in terms of what the investment will grow to become? Investors like to know there’s a clear vision and a commitment to seeing it through.

Get clear and ask BIG. Make it worth God’s while to have a big juicy stake in the vision you see and give you the means to make it a possibility.

Feel free to put your big ask in the comments and share this with your friends 🙂

Non-Personal Awareness: An Evolutionary Imperative

Our view of the Universe has changed.

THAT is effecting EVERYTHING!

This 1st of 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness speaks to the underlying principle which is at the heart of the tremendous shifts we are seeing and experiencing on the planet right now.

It also highlights how these changes include the personal development, consciousness and healing realms, and makes a call for those of us within it, to go beyond just our personal-centric selves…

In recent years we have seen many changes taking place in the world, things that seemed impossible before seem to be happening left, right and centre. There are evolutionary forces at play and every aspect of our lives are being touched by them.

Though these forces are way beyond the realm of human consciousness, we nevertheless interact with them through shifts of human understanding.

“Somewhere deep in the body of collective human consciousness there has been an unmistakable, irreversible and life changing realisation”


The primary shift in understanding that is rocking the very core of our human psyche is that we are not in fact, solid and separate (The Newtonian view of the Universe).

Somewhere deep in the body of collective human consciousness there has been an unmistakable, irreversible and life changing realisation. We have become aware that we are in fact, energetic and connected (The Quantum Physics view of the Universe).

This realisation has consequences.

“If you want to get with what’s happening on the planet, then you’ll need to get beyond JUST personal power”


The whole fabric of our society has been built upon the erroneous, old paradigm premise of solid separateness. And, now we find our fundamental societal ideas are being challenged, dismantled and remade.

In the fine tradition of the human condition, it seems easy to see the changes afoot in others, and yet we are often caught on the hop when changes come knocking on our own door.

In the field of personal growth/self-help/awakening and spirituality there are many modern fashionable beliefs that were born of and are enmeshed in old paradigm thinking.

Inevitably though, the evolutionary forces are at work here too, and this is where NPA comes in.


Separate and solid, inevitably sets the focus on individuality. If you want to get with what’s happening on the planet, then you’ll need to get beyond JUST personal power.

Energetic and connected brings our attention to the ‘relational space between’ – that non-personal arena.

Non-Personal Awareness inevitably takes you beyond the self, and into that space. We consider it an expression of the evolution that’s happening. It’s a brave new frontier and there’s lots to discover.

“The NPA process works beyond the subjective experience of the ‘personality matrix’ (mind, beliefs & emotion) and goes straight to ‘The Field’. It’s very quick, and is busting many modern ideas of what is required to shift consciousness”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA

The second of these 3 foundational articles speaks to the wonder of wholeness and a new model of relating which emerges naturally from engaging with the non-personal field… read it here…
