Spiritual Seeking? The Fundamental Flaw…

No False Identities

It’s an odd notion that any identity would be false while another is real, and yet this is often the backbone of modern spiritual teachings and personal growth approaches.

It’s a seductive idea that appeals to the mind’s comparative and dualistic sense of reality.

As with everything, there is a context where the concept of false selves serves a purpose or seems useful, but as far as genuine spiritual investigation is concerned, it’s a misguided and confusing idea.

A Term

The “real” self is a term which refers to some named or implied state or perspective. Perhaps it’s called ‘higher’, ‘freer’, even ‘the Soul’ or some derivative. In any case all are identities on some level and so subject the the life cycle of experience i.e. it comes, it is experienced, it passes.

All experience is the illusion, and so in terms of real and false, they are equally false. So there are no false identities, only passing ones.

The problem is the use of the term Self and Real together. For in what is real, there is no self.

Genuine Spiritual Investigation

Seeking some notional ‘real’ self necessarily causes you to make some other ‘self’  invalid or wrong. The irony is that this is the  fundamental seed of all suffering. The judgement perpetuates the karmic cycle and is ultimately a distraction from genuine spiritual investigation. So, I invite you to drop the judgement and simply notice what is.

Imagine the currently experienced self as a cloud and experience it as it is. Sometimes you’ll notice clear skies, sometimes the cloud(s) will be high and barely have much impact on you. Sometimes the clouds are so low that it can seem like you’re in a never ending fog.

None-the-less, as you become present to each experience, you’ll begin to notice that, whatever the weather, it passes. And the still quiet presence that is the noticer really has nothing to do with its progress.

When this distinction is truly clear; then genuine spiritual investigation can begin.

Joel Young

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The Human Is Not Outside Of Nature

The Human Is Not Outside Of NatureIn the name of connection (and with the noble intent of promoting more sustainable behaviours) it is often claimed that the human race is outside of nature or acting counter to the laws of nature.

The uncomfortable truth is that Humans are absolutely PART of nature. Nature, like us, expresses many apparent contradictions…

Creation: both wondrous and banal
Destruction: both incomprehensibly devastating and of obvious mechanical necessity
Life: both abundant and finite
Nurture and neglect. The fertile and the baron. Endless consumers and Eco-savvy contributors… The list goes on.

We Are Part Of Natures System

The fact is, we are PART of nature’s system. Part of nature’s grander intelligence. At the behest of ‘her’ eonic plans.

What we claim ourself to be doesn’t change the truth at a larger level, it simply colours local subjective experience.

Unfortunately, claiming ourself to be divorced from, separate to or outside of nature gives rise to delusional experiences, self judgement and unnecessary suffering. And these are  not states in which wholesome decisions are made or in which higher objectives are easily reached.

Better that we remember that The Human is not outside of Nature, join with a wider truth and experience reconnection. For every man-volcano that flattens large swathes of forest and arbitrarily kills animals en masse, there are trillions of lichen spores ready to begin the process of renewal and the enrichment of that land.

Just To Be Crystal Clear…

Just to be crystal clear, I’m not suggesting for a moment that we become passive in the face of our impulses to change our behaviour and environmental conduct – rather I am encouraging those *with* that impulse to become even more wholesome and aligned as they go passionately about acting on it.

In the end, Nature will have its way, and we, right now are part of that.


Dodgey Territory On The Road To Heaven

What Is Asked ForIt is not the nature of the Universe to deny what has been asked for. Sometimes what has been asked for (whether it is realised or not) is pain, confusion, separation from power source and lack of clarity…

Sometimes, as you travel through the landscape of life, you pass through challenging terrain, stinky streets or perhaps harsh deserts. It’s easy to look skyward and ask “Why this? Have I not beseeched thee for all things lovely?” But you have been inspired to travel BY those very prayers and to get to the land of your dreams, requires that the journey takes you through THESE lands, if come they do.

Now, this is very different from saying “you have held the wrong vibration, or not entertained right-thinking thoughts”… Those thoughts, (if they have arisen) are simply more of the landscape, and maybe at times the fuel for your feet, that gave you the drive to carry on through…

Prior to ‘You’

The source of these thoughts, and even the prayer, is prior to ‘you’ and non-personal…

One of the things I have found to be a great relief in the energy of non-personal awareness is the clarifications around certain modern ‘spiritual’ ideas, which have come to be the cause of the very suffering and judgement they claim to heal…

When I posted this quote on my Facebook page it promoted some questions via private message, which gives me an opportunity to offer further clarification here…

Q1: “Are you meaning that when we have painful times in our lives we have asked for them?”

The main perspective I wanted to offer by posting this particular quote AND the message that came with it, is that those ‘painful’ experiences may be ‘on route’ to the bigger vision that has been asked for.

Some modern ‘spiritual’ ideas can imply that it is ‘wrong thinking’ that ‘created’ it, which has the tendency to promote self-blame, judgement and an interruption of the flow.

It is also true that at some level those experiences ARE asked for directly… in the same way that on a road trip, each turn of the steering wheel is an ‘ask’.

If the route requires we drive through dodgy territory, then the turn of the wheel that put you on that part of the journey could be said to be responsible for ‘creating’ the experience :0)

Q2: “And we can throw away the spiritual adage that our thoughts create our reality?”


“Your thoughts create your reality” is a largely uninvestigated and cab be a misleading statement. Thoughts are an EXPRESSION of the creative impulse, and are a ‘potential’, or you could say ‘optional’, mechanism within the matrix of experience.

It’s like saying hammers create houses. Which negates the architect, the blue prints, the thousands of other tools that are used AND the option of using a nail gun ;0)

Hammers are very likely to be used in the creation of a house, but their use is at consequence to the inspiration to build a house. In the same way, distinct thoughts are very likely to be in the chain of creating your experience, but they are not the ultimate source.

Inquiry Invitation

As always, I am simply offering my perspective fully here, and I invite you to investigate this for yourself. Here’s an exercise you could try…

  1. Find a quiet place where you wont be interrupted, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Now take a thought – any thought (you probably have a few hanging around) and ask yourself the question “What is the source of this?
  3. Wait for an answer to arise.
    NB. Inquiry is not about seeking an answer, it’s about asking the questions, being still and letting an answer or a response find you! In this exercise it may be another thought, a feeling, a picture or some kind of direct experience – just let it be what it is. You may even lose ‘words’ pretty quickly.
  4. Whatever arises, just notice it and ask yourself the questions again: “What is the source of this”
  5. Repeat this question and discovery sequence over and over several times – as many as feels right to you.

I’d love to hear what you experienced and what you discovered in the comments below :0)

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your friends lives :0)


Creation, in Reality, is Receiving…

Creation in Reality is ReceicvingAll creative inspiration, even the impulses to take action on that, are sourced ‘prior’ to Self. So ultimately everything is received, or given.

Artists, writers and musicians know this as The Muse, but that concept tends to be limited to our ‘artistic’ endevours.

Extrapolating the activities and output of The Muse to ALL experience would be closer to the truth.

Become A Listener

I invite you to become a listener. If you long to create something, then that longing is you; already receiving and hearing the opening bars of a Universal Song.

Simply continue to listen. Let the music move you & you will automatically begin living the expression and experience of it.

NPA: Non-Personal Awareness
A Simple Process. A Profound Message.

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your freinds lives :0)


Bad News For Control Freaks

Bad News For Control FreaksEnlightened Masters, Quantum Physicists & Brain Researches agree that fundamentally there’s no personal causality & every perceived reality is entirely at consequence to God/The Field/The Subconscious.

Now, I’m not sure if the brain researches (who use that ‘subconscious’ label) have quite caught onto the fact that the subconscious is an aspect of the very NON-local field, however they ARE very clear that the conscious ‘you’ is basically the last to know what the heck you’re thinking/feeling/doing.

Of course, when you really let this in, it seems to put a lot of our currently fashionable ideas that our beliefs/emotions/behaviours are at CAUSE (and therefore the point of power for manifesting, healing etc etc) up the creek along with the control freaks.

Who Is The Source?

After all, who or what is the source of these beliefs? Who or what is the source even of the inspirations to do yukky or yummy things with them? Turns out, it certainly isn’t ‘you’. Oh Crikey!

Discovering that you have no control whatsoever, at any level can be pretty devastating to both the average and the awesome personality.

Fortunately, at the time when these notions are sinking inexorably into humanities collective awareness, a perspective has also come along that somehow, effortlessly puts all these apparent paradoxes, questions and old romantic notions of control into some kind of digestible wholesomeness.

This perspective is called ‘Non-Personal Awareness’ and it is both kind AND useful to the human condition.

It even comes with a handy tool kit to help the modern human brain shift gears, and actually experience delight in these very modern realisations.

You can discover NPA and Non-Personal Awareness here:

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Are You An Interactive Broadcast from YOU-niversal FM?

Are you an interactive broadcast from YOU-niversal FMThe Self ultimately, is adaptable and is non-personal, like an interactive broadcast from YOU-niversal FM.

Who you perceive yourself to be, necessarily, is the receiving apparatus. The sensory apparatus through which the experience of Self is perceived.

And this apparatus is made up of mass produced parts – physical bodies and all it’s bits [hardware], and the ‘psychological’ parts – a smorgasbord of non-exclusive self-concepts [soft-ware apps].

Bolting all these together in different configurations will create subtle (and not so subtle) differences in the experience and expression of the Self-broadcast, but the Self-broadcast ultimately IS what it IS.

Different Expressions

A Panasonic tv and a Samsung tv may generate slightly different “expressions”, different output (picture quality, sound etc.) as it receives, interprets and expresses the current broadcast from BBC1. And yet the broadcast is the broadcast.

So in the end, keep your hardware cared for, serviced and up-to-date, upgrade your software wisely and enjoy the experience of the Self-broadcast as you perceive, process and express it for the life of this human device.

– Joel

If this moves, stirs, touches or intrigues you… please share with your freinds :0)


Personal Responsibility in a Non-Personal World

Personal ResponsibilityAs the whole solid and separate model dissolves, we see it’s impact happening all around us.

The status quo of North Africa and the Middle East is dissolving as unsustainable despotic behaviours take the system critical, people rise and political tyrannies fall. The status quo of Western Culture is challenged as unsustainable economic behaviours take the system critical, people occupy, and financial institutions fall.

Spirituality, like science, throughout the ages has been a reflection of humanity’s understanding and culture – whether we like to admit it or not.


In the Personal Growth arena we have had a period of being very inner/self focused and have revelled in the idea that we create the entire universe from within ourselves. That’s a large responsibility for mortal shoulders!

Of course, there is a degree of truth to it and certainly there’s been a great need and purpose to come into ourselves, asking ‘Who am I really?’ To connect inwardly, and mature in Spirit as individuals.

We walked from the notion of ‘the power outside’, to ‘the power inside’ – two opposite personalised perspectives. Personal experience has been the primary conduit of human experience – now it’s time to go co-personal.

“It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking”

It’s time to INCLUDE the power of our selves and yet go BEYOND our selves, beyond our local-ness . It’s time to go beyond the idea that ‘If I only think positive thoughts myself, then the whole world will change’. It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking. It’s time for powerful animated PERSONAL PARTICIPATION in alignment with a bigger picture.


Now, you can approach this from a very personally responsible mind-set and decide, yes, ‘let’s DO that’, but the beautiful thing I notice with people who do a lot of NPA is that it just sort of happens – it becomes the automatic modus operandi all by itself.

This is because NPA aligns you with and beyond the self automatically. It invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways.

Personal responsibility and personal power alone are unsustainable models. The natural effortlessness of transformations, changes and growth through non-personal awareness has shown to make them sustainable.

“NPA invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways”


Learn How You Can Make Rapid Sustainable Shifts…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”


So NPA is an expression of the evolutionary changes afoot. It starts out as a way to look at your personal stuff – but what it REALLY does is open you into the non-personal perspective…


The ‘Face in the Clouds’ has NOT been added in later – it was noticed only after we reviewed the photo’s from the days shoot.

Into the relational space – the space between us as individuals, which is becoming more solid, more distinct, more tangible. And we start really learning how to operate with this connection between us – not just as some amorphous Unity idea – but as a distinct operational matrix (beyond just the self)…

As I have said – this is what’s happening in the energy of the planet anyway, and if you love to participate CONSCIOUSLY in this amazing shift, you need to go beyond the AWAKENING, go beyond just personal power, go beyond the chase for a holy grail ‘sustained God-Self experience’ and meet your humble authentic expression where you are. You’ll find it’s all right here, right now in the wholesomeness of simply BE-ing. Are you ready?

“The unconditionally loving witness is realised to be awake and aware. It rests as the foundation of well-being and at the heart of your life experience”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA


Togetherness in Wholeness (New Paradigm Relating)


Have you noticed how the hand-me-down models of relating suck?

In this second of my 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness I speak to the wonder of wholeness and a new model of relating… which emerges naturally from engaging with the non-personal field…

Going beyond just our personal selves and into the new evolutionary paradigm, we are seeing that our habitual ways of relating to each other fail over and again. Time for something new…


As you engage more and more with Non-Personal Awareness, it’s teachings and the NPA Process a new freedom emerges, which takes you beyond the paradoxes of spiritual dogma – ancient and modern.

Apart from the very personal stuff (the magic of life falling into place, letting go of painful energies and opening to gracefully aligned and wholesome ones) you ‘train in’ an alive perspective that is very unattached to ‘who is showing up’. You become very present to WHAT IS, with your feet firmly on the ground, in the world.


What that gives you is freedom. Freedom to stop trying to become more than you are, but to actually BE who you are fully. And I’m not talking just in terms of the ‘OM vastness’ of who you are – because yes you are that – but you are also THIS, this very human Being, right here.

“In this GENUINE BEING, the ancient war of Enlightenment vs Ego has ended”

In this GENUINE BEING, the ancient war of Enlightenment vs Ego has ended. It doesn’t deny the vaster context of ‘who you are’ but is also willing to be right here in the local, very personal perspective – celebrating the magnificence and ordinariness of all of it. I call it Wholeness.

In Wholeness, you are truly open to allowing the mechanism of the Bigger Being (God / the Universe / Humanity even etc) to happen through you…



And THEN – Then (as is already happening across the planet) that’s when we start to get into genuine togetherness.

We exclaim “OMG – there’s other people and other perspectives and other ideas!”

And we ask “What would happen if we put aside the habitual attachment to our very small and local perspectives and looked at the bigger picture?” Not just “What would feel good to me locally?” – rather “What would benefit the whole of us?”

And here’s our growth edge – at this point we discover how our ‘solid and separate’ culture is deeply enmeshed into our values, strategies and ideas of relating.

“Inevitably, we are realising that our current relating models suck!”

As we discover that the entire fabric of reality is energetic and connected, and begin to understand that it is wholly relational in nature, inevitably, we are realising that our current relating models suck!

Structured into the offerings and message of NPA is a new model of relating. It transcends the dualistic paradoxes and invites a new relational way – a way that genuinely enables Togetherness in Wholeness.

“NPA gives ‘who you are’ in the moment space to breathe, and live and express itself. Over time, Self-consciousness dwindles and radical self acceptance emerges. This is where true self-discovery begins!”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA

In the last of my 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness, I address the question of personal responsibility in a non-personal world.

[WARNING] Be prepared for some heresy and a personal growth Dogma Detox, as this articles introduces the co-personal model of creation. It challenges you to meet your humble authentic expression (exactly where you are) and engage that power beyond the self… read it if you dare! 😉
