Great Questions To Ask Yourself When The Turkey Burns

Of course, as a positive thinker, I’m aware that you’re going to be cosmically ordering the perfect Christmas – more than likely online.

You know the perfect Christmas I’m talking about right..?  The one that goes according to your plans…?

Well, just in case the cosmos has an ‘Amazon on a bad day’ moment; the stuffing hits the proverbial fan and – in spite of your many years of meditation -  you slip out of ‘enlightened mode’ for a split second…

I thought I’d offer you some questions you can ask yourself to help you set the baubles straight on your aura… 😉

TOP TIP: While these questions are focused on resolving potential Turkey drama, they can also be powerful allies in all manor of Christmas Crises…

Question 1: What would Jesus do?

This would be my first response – it is Christmas after all! I actually don’t think there’s ever a time where channelling a bit of The Divine Christ Consciousness won’t perk you up.

Of course if you’ve “so done the Judeo Christian thing” then feel free to channel your latest fave Divine Being – I’m sure they’ll have a wise word or two on your blackened fowl.

Question 2: What was the intended consequence of  serving perfect turkey and how else might I still experience that?

If you’re the practical or creative sort, this is the question for you!

I’m a great believer in the adage that an intention doesn’t put all it’s eggs in one basket. There’s going to be another way to make ’em smile with merry cheer – if that was your intention.

Like an eager understudy the alternative means to your end is right there in the wings; waiting for the signal that it’s going to have it’s moment.  It’s as keen to be seen as you are to see it and when you completely let go of your idea of how it should be, the understudy will make it’s entrance on the fleet foot of inspiration.

Go Eckhart Tolle On It's AssQuestion 3: What if this is what perfection looks like?

For all you hard core awakened Souls: sometimes you just gotta go Eckhart Tolle, on it’s ass!

The eternal bliss of embracing ‘The Power of Now’ will surely help you see the innate perfection of the moment…

Here’s your quick guide:

Don your best tank top, take a few minutes in silence, empty your mind and breeeaaathe… Look your ‘Pain Body’ in the eye and give it your best Beavis & Butthead chuckle. Let that joker know that you see through the its game and that IT is the only thing that won’t end up being fed this Christmas.

Bliss, peace and enlightenment is assured… namaste

Question 4: How would Billy Connolly tell this story?

OK, so let’s not get too fixated on Billy. If you haven’t heard of him, google him (he’s a British comedian) and consider it a pre-emptive self-preservation manoeuvre. And, if Billy’s not your scene…? C’mon, really? Well you can use your favourite comedian…

As Al Murray, The Pub Landlord (another Brit comedian) says, “The point is this…” – Looking at the funny side can be the best balm when you’ve burnt your bird.

Get Set For A Christmas without Taking Things Personally…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme gives you the core training for The NPA Process so you can start taking yourself from triggered states and stress to centred-ness and peace in as little as 45 seconds…”


Question 5: Is it time I went vegetarian?

Sometimes when shit happens, it’s a sign.

OK, so it might not be the veggie thing, but whatever’s come unplanned may be giving you a signal? Perhaps there’s something better than what you expected on it’s way right now? You just have to have the eyes to see it, and an open heart to let it in (everybody say ‘Awww’)

Not the quickest of fixes this one, but good for the Soul.

Question 6: What am I experiencing that I would like to allow to pass?

Did you see what I did there?

Yes, that’s Q1 from The NPA Process – and if you’ve done any NPA then this question will put you into unfettered express mode – or as I like to call it – a spew.

A spew without judgement or holding back, by itself, can be a great relief and instantly avoid PTPS (positive thinking pressure syndrome)! PLUS you get to find a cookie cutter, NPA it, stop taking it personally and (with a smile) stumble forward gracefully in whatever wholesome way works best for you!

Now, if you don’t know your spew from your cookie cutter or what the NPA I’m talking about…

a) You lucky thing, you – you’ve just happened across the simplest way I know to stop taking things personally! The NPA Process has been described as a ’45 Second Miracle’ which can help you let go of the ‘yucky stuff’ and let in the ‘yummy stuff’ of life. It’s transforming lives in over 18 countries as people realise that using this practice sets them free from the fear and effect of other peoples opinions, negative criticism and projections. It’s helping people totally shift their sense of self at the highest level and in the everyday world of 21st century human experience – bringing lightness, laughter and ease to both the mundane and major challenges of life.

b) With a little basic training you can get up and running with the practice fast, and start feeling the release and peace around your burning issues (that so many people report) in short order. There’s definitely an ‘art’ to getting the most from it and accessing the deepest transformations it brings over time… so…

c) You better buy yourself THIS for Christmas… And remember: NPA (and what it gives you) is for life, not just for Christmas! 😉

In any case, DO have a lovely Christmas – whatever happens!




This Call on Death Reveals The Ultimate Secret To Life (An NPA Community Call with Joel Young)

This Call on Death Reveals The Ultimate Secret To Life (An NPA Community Call with Joel Young)I wanted to give you access to this really heartening and connected call on death and life that was one of our regular ‘General’ NPA Community calls.

As you may or may not know, members of The NPA Community have access to two free calls a month – a general call for questions and connection, and a themed call where folks pair up and share NPA Processes on a theme. It all happens on our teleseminar system which makes it possible to do the pair work privately and still be part of the group.

It’s pretty obvious what happens on the Themed Call, but people often wonder what happens on the General Call..? I always say it’s an open invitation to connect, ask questions and just see what happens in the energy.

So I thought I would share one with you and this one is a great example of how the group can flow and serve each other on our General calls. I always start with welcomes and introductions and get a sense of where everyone is at, then the energy takes the lead and we follow…

This Call…

This call took place on 11/11/2013 and on it, regular attendee, Bernadette Reed shares how her mother had recently passed. This lead on to a surprising group NPA process which begins a string of connections, shares and more group NPA.

The call takes you on a journey from the experience of death at a close personal level, to the mass death experienced through the Philippines Typhoon. There are opportunities for you to join in the processes, hear some non-personal perspectives from me and join the moment where we all feel that the ultimate secret to life gets revealed 🙂

Whether you have experienced the passing of a loved one, or just curious about what happens on our calls, I’m sure this heart warming call will bring something of value into your life.

Just Press Play…

Just press play to listen.

This Call on Death Reveals The Ultimate Secret To Life (An NPA Community Call with Joel Young) â–¶ custom player

© Joel Young / NPA Central 2013

If you’re interested in finding out how you can become an NPA Community Member, you can check out our qualifying products HERE

I recommend giving yourself the time to sink into the recording and ‘join the energy’. However if you’re willing to share this post then you’ll unlock a contents time map that will allow you to navigate accurately to the sections that interest you most or you’d like to review. It will also reveal a second player that will give you the option to download the file and listen at your leisure :0)





The Tri-Fold Message At The Heart of NPA

TriFoldMessage300When I talk of The Birth of NPA, it is in reference to how the NPA Process ‘popped’ out of me in 2007.

Birth is a consequence of conception – and that conception happened in 2006, when I ‘disappeared’ in a cave in India. The Birth of the NPA Process, turned out to be the beginning of an unfolding.

The unfolding of what I have come to call ‘The Tri-Fold Message’

Here’s the 3 aspects of that message laid out for you:


NPA: The Tri-Fold Message

1. It’s not personal
We are energetic and connected. Nothing, ultimately, is personal.

2. Multiple Perspectives
There are multiple perspectives happening at once. This transcends the dualistic paradoxes and invites a new relational way. Solid separateness thinking has created unsustainable living and relating models. The multiple perspectives model enables togetherness in wholeness.

3. WE thinking, not ME thinking
It’s time to operate in more collaborative, open ways. To realise that we are in this together, and together we’re stronger.


There is a natural progression with NPA. It starts with the process, which energetically introduces and embeds a living consciousness that is awake to the non-personal, energetic nature of reality.

Beyond that, the ‘relational space’ becomes more tangible and there is an urge to understand how to operate more wholesomely within it. Non-Personal Awareness has given rise to new relational models that help meet this urge, and provide a means of navigating togetherness in wholeness.

As the solid and separate habit falls away, and Genuine Being in community becomes available, the personal benefit and immense power of WE thinking becomes obvious.

The ways we offer you to engage with NPA reflect this natural progression.



Step 1: The NPA Process

The fundamentals of the process are available for free on this website. And more detailed instruction is only an email away. I also share the process and the message in my presentations at conferences, tele-summits and on radio appearances.

Practicing the process is key to aligning you with, and embedding the new consciousness. You can get started right away with the free stuff available on this website, and I recommend you go further…

In depth understanding of The Process, it’s use and application are available with a little more investment of time, and some money.

The Bridge is an audio programme you can download that does this job comprehensively. It also introduces you to the multiple perspectives model. The first day of The NPA Expansive Weekend also covers this in a very practical way.

Step 2: A New Relational Way

At The NPA Expansive Weekend we cover the mechanics of moving into an energetic, connected and fundamentally relational reality. You discover how multiple perspectives becomes a new model for wholesome relating. You learn ways to transition from conflict to harmony and move into the magic and potency of co-creative NPA.

Step 3: The Path of Genuine Being

Living wholeness becomes available when you are able to freely allow the multiple facets of your Being to play and express themselves through you unconditionally, and according Divine timing.

Practicing and stepping more fully into the ‘non-personal energy’ makes this process near-automatic. Our advanced events and products really help you do this.

Through your practice, you begin LIVING in an environment of authentic wholeness, you develop multiple perspective fluency within yourself and with others.

My intention is to help you master GENUINE BEING, to go beyond Awakening and to fully engage the Spirit of The Evolutionary Imperative as it is experienced through you.


“As the solid and separate habit falls away, and Genuine Being in community becomes available, the personal benefit and immense power of WE thinking becomes obvious”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA



Non-Personal Awareness: An Evolutionary Imperative

Our view of the Universe has changed.

THAT is effecting EVERYTHING!

This 1st of 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness speaks to the underlying principle which is at the heart of the tremendous shifts we are seeing and experiencing on the planet right now.

It also highlights how these changes include the personal development, consciousness and healing realms, and makes a call for those of us within it, to go beyond just our personal-centric selves…

In recent years we have seen many changes taking place in the world, things that seemed impossible before seem to be happening left, right and centre. There are evolutionary forces at play and every aspect of our lives are being touched by them.

Though these forces are way beyond the realm of human consciousness, we nevertheless interact with them through shifts of human understanding.

“Somewhere deep in the body of collective human consciousness there has been an unmistakable, irreversible and life changing realisation”


The primary shift in understanding that is rocking the very core of our human psyche is that we are not in fact, solid and separate (The Newtonian view of the Universe).

Somewhere deep in the body of collective human consciousness there has been an unmistakable, irreversible and life changing realisation. We have become aware that we are in fact, energetic and connected (The Quantum Physics view of the Universe).

This realisation has consequences.

“If you want to get with what’s happening on the planet, then you’ll need to get beyond JUST personal power”


The whole fabric of our society has been built upon the erroneous, old paradigm premise of solid separateness. And, now we find our fundamental societal ideas are being challenged, dismantled and remade.

In the fine tradition of the human condition, it seems easy to see the changes afoot in others, and yet we are often caught on the hop when changes come knocking on our own door.

In the field of personal growth/self-help/awakening and spirituality there are many modern fashionable beliefs that were born of and are enmeshed in old paradigm thinking.

Inevitably though, the evolutionary forces are at work here too, and this is where NPA comes in.


Separate and solid, inevitably sets the focus on individuality. If you want to get with what’s happening on the planet, then you’ll need to get beyond JUST personal power.

Energetic and connected brings our attention to the ‘relational space between’ – that non-personal arena.

Non-Personal Awareness inevitably takes you beyond the self, and into that space. We consider it an expression of the evolution that’s happening. It’s a brave new frontier and there’s lots to discover.

“The NPA process works beyond the subjective experience of the ‘personality matrix’ (mind, beliefs & emotion) and goes straight to ‘The Field’. It’s very quick, and is busting many modern ideas of what is required to shift consciousness”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA

The second of these 3 foundational articles speaks to the wonder of wholeness and a new model of relating which emerges naturally from engaging with the non-personal field… read it here…
