Spiritual Seeking? The Fundamental Flaw…

No False Identities

It’s an odd notion that any identity would be false while another is real, and yet this is often the backbone of modern spiritual teachings and personal growth approaches.

It’s a seductive idea that appeals to the mind’s comparative and dualistic sense of reality.

As with everything, there is a context where the concept of false selves serves a purpose or seems useful, but as far as genuine spiritual investigation is concerned, it’s a misguided and confusing idea.

A Term

The “real” self is a term which refers to some named or implied state or perspective. Perhaps it’s called ‘higher’, ‘freer’, even ‘the Soul’ or some derivative. In any case all are identities on some level and so subject the the life cycle of experience i.e. it comes, it is experienced, it passes.

All experience is the illusion, and so in terms of real and false, they are equally false. So there are no false identities, only passing ones.

The problem is the use of the term Self and Real together. For in what is real, there is no self.

Genuine Spiritual Investigation

Seeking some notional ‘real’ self necessarily causes you to make some other ‘self’  invalid or wrong. The irony is that this is the  fundamental seed of all suffering. The judgement perpetuates the karmic cycle and is ultimately a distraction from genuine spiritual investigation. So, I invite you to drop the judgement and simply notice what is.

Imagine the currently experienced self as a cloud and experience it as it is. Sometimes you’ll notice clear skies, sometimes the cloud(s) will be high and barely have much impact on you. Sometimes the clouds are so low that it can seem like you’re in a never ending fog.

None-the-less, as you become present to each experience, you’ll begin to notice that, whatever the weather, it passes. And the still quiet presence that is the noticer really has nothing to do with its progress.

When this distinction is truly clear; then genuine spiritual investigation can begin.

Joel Young

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your freinds lives :0)


Are You Suffering From Arrogance Of The Heart?

Embrace Mind Heart and InstinctDemonise the mind and become ignorant
Demonise the heart and become passionless
Demonise the instinct and become passive

Embrace them all as your best companions…
And become amazing in all the ways that matter to you!

Embrace Mind, Heart & Instinct

This is an invitation to embrace the human mechanisms of experience. Our tendancy to raise one particular aspect of ourselves to dominance and demonise (or make less than) the rest can reduce the fullness of our experience.

The Rise & Fall of Prominence

In openness and presence you can ride the rise and fall of prominence of each faculty as you meet each moment.

One of the traps in the modern Spiritual and Personal Growth landscape is that an ‘arrogance of the heart’ can emerge where the mind and instincts become denied.

This can be AS debilitating as the more prevelant trend on the planet; that of promoting the mind and mental faculties over the others.

Seductive Snares On The Spiritual Path…

Here are some scenarios to help you get a sense of what some of these traps can look like in experience with some suggestions on steps you can take  to free yourself and move towards wholeness…

Bare in mind in the scenarios below that ‘Do you ever‘ is not saying ‘you should never…‘ These questions are simply an opportunity to self reflect and bring more awareness to where you may be selling yourself short…

Also, this is by no means a complete list, but I have chosen to focus on the main traps that I see people on the spiritual path fall into…

TRAP: Demonising the mind…

Do you ever hear yourself say ‘Oh, that’s just my mind’, perhaps in a dismissive or self-reproaching tone? Dismissing the mind is dismissing part of you. It’s dismissing one of the avenues of communication that the Universe has to connect with and guide you. It’s not that the mind doesn’t come up with some unhelpful rubbish, but let’s not throw the baby out with the bathwater!

The Mind is Not BadTHE MOVE TOWARDS WHOLENESS: Embracing the mind…

Soften your judgement of the mind. Be willing to hear it out – it might have a point! The mind is not bad, it’s just a like puppy. Sometimes it pees on the floor. Start being gentle but clear in response and it will grow up to be a faithful companion. Also it loves to fetch information – a very useful thing!

TRAP: Demonising your instincts…

If you have a problem saying ‘no’, making decisions or asserting yourself, there’s a very good chance you have learned to supress and demonise your instincts. This can be the scourge of nice spiritual people whose identity has become invested in ideas that promote positivity, love and joy and spell out dire consequences if less than rosey emotions are entertained.

THE MOVE TOWARDS WHOLENESS: Embracing your instincts…

Question any tendancy to be passive. Of course there are times when it’s good to be lead, however there’s a difference between actively and passively arriving in that role. Check with yourself whether any reticence to say no, make a decision or assert yourself is really to do with fear of conflict?  The main job of embracing your instincts though, is in getting comfortable with unsettling feelings and learning to relate to them in ways that give you access to tremendous life-force and clarity. As the instincts are born from the gut I also recommend spending some time focusing your awareness about 2cm beneath the navel.

TRAP: Elevating the heart above mind and instinct…

If you want to fall into both of the above traps simultaneously, you can’t beat this as a strategy. If you hear yourself say ‘Listen to your heart’ but never hear yourself say ‘Trust your gut and go with your instincts’ or ‘Think about it for a moment’ – be aware that you may have slipped into this seductive little snare. So what’s the problem? The heart is super lovely and all Soulful is it not? Well, yes it does hold a beautiful perspective, but not necessarily always the most healthy perspective – ask anyone who has stayed in a relationship way past it’s sell-by date because their heart could see the potential and longed for it to be so, even as every instinct was screaming MOVE ON!


The humble heart is always available to offer it’s beautiful perspective but is open to the swift clean knowing of the instinct and the 3D rationality of the mind. Together these three pistons are the engine of your life force. They pump power to your purpose and, when allowed to work with the rhythm and harmony of life, will carry you Gracefully through the adventures of your life experience.

Embrace them all as your best companions…

So, be open to the instincts, the rational mind and the heart and trust the natural rhythm in which each of them takes the lead.

If you would like a helping hand getting to this harmony where all of these faculties are fully available and free, give me a call – you can use the link here or below to set up 10 minutes for a chat.

Peace and wholeness my friends…

Joel Young

Please SHARE if this resonates, and comments are welcome


How To Parent Yourself & Get Liberation From Your Personal History

Parent YourselfIn my many years of self-healing and working with countless clients, I noticed that most painful behaviours were born from ‘child consciousness’ or young identities within us that are looking for something… Love, protection, acknowledgement, understanding etc etc…

The child energy seeks parental energy… And yet we tend to “personalise” parental energy, and therefore limit it’s origin to our parents and carers.

An Unmet Need

So if the flow of parental energy through these fine people is shaped in a way that didn’t connect with our various child energies, an unmet need is generated which becomes a deep and unfulfilled longing.

Our proclivity to personalise the source of our fulfillment generally puts us on a path that seeks for it directly from them. Or, as we move through life, from surrogates like spouses or even our own children. Sometimes there’s a blessing, and through another the need is met, is able to be fully received and the spirit moves forward.

But for the most part the seeking patterns we adopt, the unresourcefulness of those we beseech or the sadly inadequate communication skills of either party leaves the longing unmet. Our frustration and sense of failure adds insult to injury. Confused and with no alternative we soldier on, deeper into unfulfilling territory.

The Good News

The good news is: If you parent yourself in all the ways you wish you had been parented, then Love will run amok in your heart, where need once did.

Through the notion of self-parenting I was liberated from my personal history and then discovered some GREAT news! Parental energy is non-personal and can joyfully flow through you to your child energies in exquisitely precise ways.

One way is with an NPA tool that is taught at The NPA Expansive Weekend and I use a lot in my sessions called the ‘Parental Integration Frame’. In an elegant and easy way it allows me to elicit your hidden perspective on what needs to happen (in the parental energies) in order to create the ideal parental conditions. Then you can discover and access what’s been truly longed for but never fulfilled. Using NPA we then work to balance and shift the parental energies to meet those conditions, allowing the longing to be experienced and fully received.

Although this process is simple and quick (It takes less than half an hour) it can be highly emotional and has a huge impact on people’s lives. The process doesn’t ask you to get into the historical story of what should or shouldn’t have happened, it cuts straight to core of what truly matters to you, as the child of somebody; then, now and always.

The Foundation Of Our Wellbeing

Our parental energies, in many ways, are the foundation of our wellbeing. It took me a lot of journaling, crying, story telling, blaming, journey processing and relationship breaking before it dawned on me that I could parent myself. Coming up with a simple way to share that has just been the icing on the cake.

The Parental Integration Frame doesn’t require you to figure out what conditions are required to allow your longing to land in you. It uses a simple technique to bypass the analytical mind which, I have found, makes for a vastly accelerated healing.

Nonetheless I began self-parenting even before I created the Integration Frame and so I want to leave you with an inquiry – something to sit with and help you down the road of self-parenting.

Contemplate this inquiry…

“What is the essence of what my inner child longs for?”

Then you might like to ask yourself:

“How might I give that to myself?” and
“When would be a good time?”

I’d love to hear your answers in the comments below and, of course, any questions.

I also invite you to share (see the special bonus for that below) x

Joel Young, Father & Mother of Himself and Originator of NPA.



Personal Responsibility in a Non-Personal World

Personal ResponsibilityAs the whole solid and separate model dissolves, we see it’s impact happening all around us.

The status quo of North Africa and the Middle East is dissolving as unsustainable despotic behaviours take the system critical, people rise and political tyrannies fall. The status quo of Western Culture is challenged as unsustainable economic behaviours take the system critical, people occupy, and financial institutions fall.

Spirituality, like science, throughout the ages has been a reflection of humanity’s understanding and culture – whether we like to admit it or not.


In the Personal Growth arena we have had a period of being very inner/self focused and have revelled in the idea that we create the entire universe from within ourselves. That’s a large responsibility for mortal shoulders!

Of course, there is a degree of truth to it and certainly there’s been a great need and purpose to come into ourselves, asking ‘Who am I really?’ To connect inwardly, and mature in Spirit as individuals.

We walked from the notion of ‘the power outside’, to ‘the power inside’ – two opposite personalised perspectives. Personal experience has been the primary conduit of human experience – now it’s time to go co-personal.

“It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking”

It’s time to INCLUDE the power of our selves and yet go BEYOND our selves, beyond our local-ness . It’s time to go beyond the idea that ‘If I only think positive thoughts myself, then the whole world will change’. It’s time to step into a collaborative mindset and engage WE thinking, not ME thinking. It’s time for powerful animated PERSONAL PARTICIPATION in alignment with a bigger picture.


Now, you can approach this from a very personally responsible mind-set and decide, yes, ‘let’s DO that’, but the beautiful thing I notice with people who do a lot of NPA is that it just sort of happens – it becomes the automatic modus operandi all by itself.

This is because NPA aligns you with and beyond the self automatically. It invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways.

Personal responsibility and personal power alone are unsustainable models. The natural effortlessness of transformations, changes and growth through non-personal awareness has shown to make them sustainable.

“NPA invokes awarenesses and powers with and beyond the self that just start to work through you – and it becomes the most natural thing to behave in much more competition free, altruistic ways”


Learn How You Can Make Rapid Sustainable Shifts…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”


So NPA is an expression of the evolutionary changes afoot. It starts out as a way to look at your personal stuff – but what it REALLY does is open you into the non-personal perspective…


The ‘Face in the Clouds’ has NOT been added in later – it was noticed only after we reviewed the photo’s from the days shoot.

Into the relational space – the space between us as individuals, which is becoming more solid, more distinct, more tangible. And we start really learning how to operate with this connection between us – not just as some amorphous Unity idea – but as a distinct operational matrix (beyond just the self)…

As I have said – this is what’s happening in the energy of the planet anyway, and if you love to participate CONSCIOUSLY in this amazing shift, you need to go beyond the AWAKENING, go beyond just personal power, go beyond the chase for a holy grail ‘sustained God-Self experience’ and meet your humble authentic expression where you are. You’ll find it’s all right here, right now in the wholesomeness of simply BE-ing. Are you ready?

“The unconditionally loving witness is realised to be awake and aware. It rests as the foundation of well-being and at the heart of your life experience”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA


Togetherness in Wholeness (New Paradigm Relating)


Have you noticed how the hand-me-down models of relating suck?

In this second of my 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness I speak to the wonder of wholeness and a new model of relating… which emerges naturally from engaging with the non-personal field…

Going beyond just our personal selves and into the new evolutionary paradigm, we are seeing that our habitual ways of relating to each other fail over and again. Time for something new…


As you engage more and more with Non-Personal Awareness, it’s teachings and the NPA Process a new freedom emerges, which takes you beyond the paradoxes of spiritual dogma – ancient and modern.

Apart from the very personal stuff (the magic of life falling into place, letting go of painful energies and opening to gracefully aligned and wholesome ones) you ‘train in’ an alive perspective that is very unattached to ‘who is showing up’. You become very present to WHAT IS, with your feet firmly on the ground, in the world.


What that gives you is freedom. Freedom to stop trying to become more than you are, but to actually BE who you are fully. And I’m not talking just in terms of the ‘OM vastness’ of who you are – because yes you are that – but you are also THIS, this very human Being, right here.

“In this GENUINE BEING, the ancient war of Enlightenment vs Ego has ended”

In this GENUINE BEING, the ancient war of Enlightenment vs Ego has ended. It doesn’t deny the vaster context of ‘who you are’ but is also willing to be right here in the local, very personal perspective – celebrating the magnificence and ordinariness of all of it. I call it Wholeness.

In Wholeness, you are truly open to allowing the mechanism of the Bigger Being (God / the Universe / Humanity even etc) to happen through you…



And THEN – Then (as is already happening across the planet) that’s when we start to get into genuine togetherness.

We exclaim “OMG – there’s other people and other perspectives and other ideas!”

And we ask “What would happen if we put aside the habitual attachment to our very small and local perspectives and looked at the bigger picture?” Not just “What would feel good to me locally?” – rather “What would benefit the whole of us?”

And here’s our growth edge – at this point we discover how our ‘solid and separate’ culture is deeply enmeshed into our values, strategies and ideas of relating.

“Inevitably, we are realising that our current relating models suck!”

As we discover that the entire fabric of reality is energetic and connected, and begin to understand that it is wholly relational in nature, inevitably, we are realising that our current relating models suck!

Structured into the offerings and message of NPA is a new model of relating. It transcends the dualistic paradoxes and invites a new relational way – a way that genuinely enables Togetherness in Wholeness.

“NPA gives ‘who you are’ in the moment space to breathe, and live and express itself. Over time, Self-consciousness dwindles and radical self acceptance emerges. This is where true self-discovery begins!”

Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA

In the last of my 3 foundational articles on Non-Personal Awareness, I address the question of personal responsibility in a non-personal world.

[WARNING] Be prepared for some heresy and a personal growth Dogma Detox, as this articles introduces the co-personal model of creation. It challenges you to meet your humble authentic expression (exactly where you are) and engage that power beyond the self… read it if you dare! 😉
