When I talk of The Birth of NPA, it is in reference to how the NPA Process ‘popped’ out of me in 2007.
Birth is a consequence of conception – and that conception happened in 2006, when I ‘disappeared’ in a cave in India. The Birth of the NPA Process, turned out to be the beginning of an unfolding.
The unfolding of what I have come to call ‘The Tri-Fold Message’
Here’s the 3 aspects of that message laid out for you:
NPA: The Tri-Fold Message
1. It’s not personal
We are energetic and connected. Nothing, ultimately, is personal.
2. Multiple Perspectives
There are multiple perspectives happening at once. This transcends the dualistic paradoxes and invites a new relational way. Solid separateness thinking has created unsustainable living and relating models. The multiple perspectives model enables togetherness in wholeness.
3. WE thinking, not ME thinking
It’s time to operate in more collaborative, open ways. To realise that we are in this together, and together we’re stronger.
There is a natural progression with NPA. It starts with the process, which energetically introduces and embeds a living consciousness that is awake to the non-personal, energetic nature of reality.
Beyond that, the ‘relational space’ becomes more tangible and there is an urge to understand how to operate more wholesomely within it. Non-Personal Awareness has given rise to new relational models that help meet this urge, and provide a means of navigating togetherness in wholeness.
As the solid and separate habit falls away, and Genuine Being in community becomes available, the personal benefit and immense power of WE thinking becomes obvious.
The ways we offer you to engage with NPA reflect this natural progression.

Step 1: The NPA Process
The fundamentals of the process are available for free on this website. And more detailed instruction is only an email away. I also share the process and the message in my presentations at conferences, tele-summits and on radio appearances.
Practicing the process is key to aligning you with, and embedding the new consciousness. You can get started right away with the free stuff available on this website, and I recommend you go further…
In depth understanding of The Process, it’s use and application are available with a little more investment of time, and some money.
The Bridge is an audio programme you can download that does this job comprehensively. It also introduces you to the multiple perspectives model. The first day of The NPA Expansive Weekend also covers this in a very practical way.
Step 2: A New Relational Way
At The NPA Expansive Weekend we cover the mechanics of moving into an energetic, connected and fundamentally relational reality. You discover how multiple perspectives becomes a new model for wholesome relating. You learn ways to transition from conflict to harmony and move into the magic and potency of co-creative NPA.
Step 3: The Path of Genuine Being
Living wholeness becomes available when you are able to freely allow the multiple facets of your Being to play and express themselves through you unconditionally, and according Divine timing.
Practicing and stepping more fully into the ‘non-personal energy’ makes this process near-automatic. Our advanced events and products really help you do this.
Through your practice, you begin LIVING in an environment of authentic wholeness, you develop multiple perspective fluency within yourself and with others.
My intention is to help you master GENUINE BEING, to go beyond Awakening and to fully engage the Spirit of The Evolutionary Imperative as it is experienced through you.

“As the solid and separate habit falls away, and Genuine Being in community becomes available, the personal benefit and immense power of WE thinking becomes obviousâ€
Joel Young, Creator & Custodian of NPA