The ego is not the the devil and enlightenment is not God. Our culture however is steeped in this mythology.
Modern spiritual dogma that demonises the ego and canonises the Soul (or enlightened states) is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It perpetuates the same old dualistic story of good vs evil, them and us, my perspective is better than yours etc.
This completely misses the point of spiritual investigation AND the opportunity of true freedom. Freedom is the realisation that all experience IS the illusion and therefore equal.
A Natural Invitation
From this perspective the natural invitation arises to:
- Notice what is given to the bigger expression through you… and
- Honour it completely.
The labels; ego, soul, awakening, enlightenment etc, quickly fall away… The ‘holy’ war in your heart ends and the human BEING emerges.
Joel Young
Originator of NPA
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