The Surprising Secret Ingredient That Consistently Facilitates Healing

The Surprising Secret IngredientNPA embraces and expresses one of my favourite paradoxes in the realm of healing, transformation, consciousness and love.

In this Musing on NPA & Life I want to lay it out for you, and give you an insight into, what I have come to understand is, THE biggest gift you can bring to any healing or facilitation situation.

“I’m Very Grateful”

This week I received an email from a client who wanted to express the gratitude she felt for the sessions we have been having, and offer a testimonial to share with others what she felt she experienced with me and how it has helped her.

The clue to the ‘secret ingredient’ is in here, so have a read and I’ll break it down for you after…

“Working with Joel I have been surprised by, and so appreciated, the tender compassion and acceptance that he has brought to each session. He offered a genuine loving space with no judgement; even of feelings I had previously felt sooo ashamed of.

In the past I have experienced a certain level of acceptance with facilitators but when change hasn’t come or stuckness has shown up, the focus on ‘moving on’ or changing has taken over.

Joel’s approach has the flavour of open-handed compassion and shows a level of acceptance which feels as if it comes very naturally from him. For me though, it was a very new experience and I feel that those qualities have been key to me moving on as I have.  Those more tender/”dark”/”stuck” feelings, having been offered all the time and space they needed to feel safe and relax, let down their defences and change of their own accord.

Here I am a few months later finding myself in a more peaceful and happy place! Feeling more able to deal with life, with more space and compassion now coming from within me! yeah!! I’m very grateful.”

Jane Griffin, Leicester, UK

The Secret Ingredient

So what was Jane experiencing ‘coming naturally from me’? She states; compassion, acceptance, genuine loving space, no judgement. These are qualities which naturally arise from the secret ingredient but are not the secret ingredient itself.

The thing I love most about NPA; the thing that practising it has trained into me, into my approach to working with clients and into my life in general is it’s agenda-less-ness. OK, so that’s not, strictly speaking, a real word but it points to the fact that NPA, in it’s pure form, comes with no agenda. And having NO agenda IS the secret ingredient.

And there-in lies the paradox, and the challenge for many a would-be power-user of NPA, and many a fine transformational practitioner. The question goes: “Surely if someone is paying me money to get some kind of outcome or result – shouldn’t I be doing everything in my power to get them there? Or at least to help them get themselves there!!??”

The trouble is, all that “I, me, them, their, there” stuff is based on personal power. Personal power requires a person. Persons come with an agenda. Agenda’s come with timelines, outcomes, comparisons, judgements, intentions… that leads to right ways and wrong ways both overt and covert… that leads to dogma and dogma leads to blindness… I think you get the idea.

NPA invites you to:

  • Express yourself in your natural way.
  • To say a few simple lines.
  • To notice what happens (if anything).

That’s it. No agenda.

So How Does That Consistently Facilitate Healing?

Let’s break it down

The Problem with AgendasThe problem with agendas – even ones with positive intent, even subtle energetic easily self-deniable ones – is that they apply pressure towards the intended outcome or route. Pressure tends to invoke resistance, resistance leads to persistence and before you know it you’re in a world of friction and potential stuckness. That can lead to further pressure in support of the agenda and so begins an un-helpful loop.

Jane illustrates it when she says, “In the past I have experienced a certain level of acceptance with facilitators” – in other words, there was an agenda with the facilitator, and she goes on to say how the agenda kicks up a gear, “but when change hasn’t come or stuckness has shown up, the focus on ‘moving on’ or changing has taken over.”

As you train more in the art of using NPA, you’ll begin to appreciate the importance and power of it’s agenda-less-ness. The power in NPA is NON-personal; as you get out of the way (drop the agenda) things begin to resolve all by themselves… in wonderful, effortless and sometimes miraculous ways.

Working agenda-less-ly with Jane meant that we met in a state of mutual, gentle discovery. It was like watching a flower blossom… and how personally are you involved in that process?

As Jane put it, “Those more tender/”dark”/”stuck” feelings, having been offered all the time and space they needed to feel safe and relax, let down their defences and change of their own accord.”

They (the feelings) let down their defences and changed of their own accord… And THAT is how having no agenda consistently facilitates healing, transformation, evolutions in consciousness and love.

Let It Come Alive

I have found that people who bathe themselves in the non-personal perspective at The NPA Expansive Weekend and beyond, find that it naturally comes alive in them, and with that dogma’s and agenda’s fall away. They still, of course, are available to passing intentions, outcome notions and the like, but rather than wearing them as uniform, they are passing fancy dress outfits that serve to raise a smile, warm the heart, lift a weight, disarm or arm; they come, and are used when useful and kind, and are discarded effortlessly as the truth of the moment dictates.

In the end it comes down to this, “Less ‘you-who-knows’ and more ‘Life-will-show’, invites the magic moment”



“Having NO agenda IS the secret ingredient” via @JoelYoungNPA 

“Dogma leads to blindness” via @JoelYoungNPA 

“NPA invites you to express yourself in your natural way” via @JoelYoungNPA 

“The problem with agendas is that they apply pressure towards the intended outcome or route” via @JoelYoungNPA

“As YOU get out of the way, things begin to resolve all by themselves” via @JoelYoungNPA

“We met in a state of mutual, gentle discovery. It was like watching a flower blossom…” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Having no agenda consistently facilitates healing, transformation, evolutions in consciousness and love” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Less ‘you-who-knows’ and more ‘Life-will-show’, invites the magic moment” via @JoelYoungNPA

Why God Said “No Way Dude” To Moses

Why God Said "No Way Dude" To MosesIn our positively polarised new-age culture, it is often said that God (or The Universe) always says yes. But there’s a Biblical story from the old testament which illustrates an important reason why there’s something God says ‘no’ to and the gift that this denial gives to each and every one of us…

No Way Dude

Moses in the Old Testament beseeched God to make himself known to him. God said “No way dude, you’d be annihilated” (I paraphrase) ;0)

Essentially this story points to God, Divinity as the unknowable mystery. No single being can encapsulate the infinite.

So Moses badgers God who finally agrees to let His shadow fall briefly across him. And in that moment Moses’ hair turns instantly grey and he runs mad around the dessert for 40 days and 40 nights…

This story reflects the deep longing within each human individual to connect with the unknowable – as voiced by Moses in the story.

A Finite Interpretation Of The Infinite Mystery

It further illustrates how even the slightest conscious awareness of that longing will give birth to a story, a shadow of the Truth. In other words; a perspective, a filtered translation or finite interpretation of the infinite mystery.

Then, my awakened friends, the trap of “I have it” is set. In other words we have tendancy to make our interpretation THE definitive truth, and then preach it as such to others.

In non-personal awareness we move from these subtle (and not so subtle) declarations of absolute truth, to a deep understanding that we each have a unique perspective on reality. It’s the acknowledgement that all we have is our story, and that our story connects us to the unknowable truth of what is.

An Air Of Discovery

When you surrender to the humbling awareness of this, you can begin to enjoy yours and other people’s stories, taking them lightly and entering conversations with an air of discovery and unattached passion.

So enjoy your story of Divinity, knowing it connects you somehow to the unknowable.

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14 Festive FUBARs You Shouldn’t Take Personally

Your Gift... Is in the litter boxRemembering to not take things personally is a very freeing perspective.

However, in the stressy moments where you could most benefit from this awareness, it can be a challenge to truly connect to it. This, of course, is one of the areas where using The NPA Process can really help you! :0)

That being said, as the busy festive season presents intense opportunities to take things personally and stress out, I thought I’d make a list of some common situations where you might be tempted to make it personal.

The list is written as a set of invitations to remember that it’s NOT personal. Having this thought ‘pre-loaded’ in your awareness will help you feel much freer, easier and able to entertain a genuine smile. Think of it as preventative medicine as you read them and drink in the notion that you can easily remember that it’s not personal should any of these situations occur.

Get Set For A Christmas without Taking Things Personally…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme gives you the core training for The NPA Process so you can start taking yourself from triggered states and stress to centred-ness and peace in as little as 45 seconds…”


The Run Up

1. When you’re jostled in the supermarket aisle, remember: It’s Not Personal
2. Shopping frenzy is in the air… remember: It’s Not Personal
3. If someone sends harsh words your way, remember that fundamentally It’s Not Personal ♥
4. If you didn’t get a snog at the Christmas party, remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
5. If you get a headache, remember: It’s Not Personal
6. If you’re hit with a bug or the flu this Christmas, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥

Christmas Day

7. If the kids don’t express eternal gratitude remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
8. If you don’t feel very well on the big day, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥
9. When your mother makes one of her remarks, remember: It’s Not Personal
10. If you don’t win any of the cracker pull-offs… remember It’s Not Personal ;0)
11. When your family get fractious over Christmas, remember: It’s Not Personal

Boxing Day

12. If they forgot to call you, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥
13. As you nurse a hangover, remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
14. If you’re stuck in Boxing Day traffic, remember: It’s Not Personal

Have a Merry Christmas – and remember: It’s Not Personal!


How To Get What You Want Without Trying

How To Get What You Want Without TryingStriving, trying hard, struggling… these are the misplaced modern virtues that keep us on the Ferris Wheel of exhaustion. They are hailed within our culture as noble and praise worthy. The mythology goes: ‘It ain’t worth a damn if you don’t bust your gut gettin’ it”

The thing is, we’re in one of those weird phases where we are culturally clinging to our mythology and simultaneously sick and tired of it. Or, to keep it mythological; the spell is wearing off but we’re still under.

You see, the spell rests on a simple mechanism. The spell dresses it seductively, oozes sincere promises and, when challenged, spouts spurious logic with convincing charm. “It is no mere mechanism,” it will tell you, “it is the way to get what you want!” The mechanism itself is neutral, available and happy for your ‘wants’ to come as they may…

So, what is the mechanism and what is the dressing?

Intention & Agenda

The mechanism is intention. The spell-binding dressing is agenda.

An agenda, in the way it’s meant here, is a fixed plan or idea of how things should be; how what you want should show up and perhaps the path that should lead to it’s arrival. 

An agenda about life tends to skew your perspective and rarely puts you in the discovery mode that facilitates an alive and energetically free state of being. Rather it has you trying to fix or control life, your experience and the experience of those around you.

Life has energy resources beyond anything you can imagine, let alone access personally. It is constantly offering you energetically pre-paid pathways of manifestation, which may or may not match your agenda. Your agenda makes you personally responsible for ‘making it happen that way’. It closes you off from Life’s creative chaos and puts the energy liability firmly in your court.

Drop The Agenda

When you drop the agenda about what life SHOULD be or look like, you are open to the the flow that is coming through you anyway.

Yes you read that right – ‘coming through you anyway’. You see, we’ve had the story of intention all rather back to front. We’ve been sold the idea that our agenda sets the intention, whereas a little self inquiry will reveal that that is not the case.

Actually, intention comes in service to a deep impulse, which originates prior to the experience of ‘self’. The impulse arises from the non-personal space and meets (or connects with) the personal experience. At that moment, the mechanism of intention is activated.

The impulse is the herald, announcing that the ESSENCE of what is wanted has arrived and is willing to express itself through you. Intention connects it to your personal experience and is very neutral about how that manifests.

When you drop the agenda, the impulse for the experience you ultimately want has space to emerge in ways that perhaps you hadn’t considered, or even in the form you expected it!

Dropping the agenda allows you to break the cultural spell and ride on the coat tails of the Universes infinite power. There’s less striving and more efficiency - you simply get what you want without trying.

Joel Young

Your comments, as always, are welcome and please share this with your networks if you found it helpful <3


Creation, in Reality, is Receiving…

Creation in Reality is ReceicvingAll creative inspiration, even the impulses to take action on that, are sourced ‘prior’ to Self. So ultimately everything is received, or given.

Artists, writers and musicians know this as The Muse, but that concept tends to be limited to our ‘artistic’ endevours.

Extrapolating the activities and output of The Muse to ALL experience would be closer to the truth.

Become A Listener

I invite you to become a listener. If you long to create something, then that longing is you; already receiving and hearing the opening bars of a Universal Song.

Simply continue to listen. Let the music move you & you will automatically begin living the expression and experience of it.

NPA: Non-Personal Awareness
A Simple Process. A Profound Message.

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your freinds lives :0)


Are You An Interactive Broadcast from YOU-niversal FM?

Are you an interactive broadcast from YOU-niversal FMThe Self ultimately, is adaptable and is non-personal, like an interactive broadcast from YOU-niversal FM.

Who you perceive yourself to be, necessarily, is the receiving apparatus. The sensory apparatus through which the experience of Self is perceived.

And this apparatus is made up of mass produced parts – physical bodies and all it’s bits [hardware], and the ‘psychological’ parts – a smorgasbord of non-exclusive self-concepts [soft-ware apps].

Bolting all these together in different configurations will create subtle (and not so subtle) differences in the experience and expression of the Self-broadcast, but the Self-broadcast ultimately IS what it IS.

Different Expressions

A Panasonic tv and a Samsung tv may generate slightly different “expressions”, different output (picture quality, sound etc.) as it receives, interprets and expresses the current broadcast from BBC1. And yet the broadcast is the broadcast.

So in the end, keep your hardware cared for, serviced and up-to-date, upgrade your software wisely and enjoy the experience of the Self-broadcast as you perceive, process and express it for the life of this human device.

– Joel

If this moves, stirs, touches or intrigues you… please share with your freinds :0)
