Tough Love on Brexit Rage

Tough Love on Brexit Rage

OK, so the UK voted to leave the EU… what now my awakened friend?

I see a lot of anger, sadness, outrage and, frankly, pain and suffering on social media today… based on what?

Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? Everything’s going to sh%t!
Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? We should hang our heads in shame!
Well, it’s obvious isn’t it? We should attack those that voted to leave!

The reality is, we just don’t know ‘what now’ in practical, legal and economic terms. There’s good evidence for various scenarios, but even the genuine ‘experts’ (you know, the people that actually know what they’re talking about) state very clearly that the only thing we know for sure is that we don’t know how a decision to leave the EU will play out…

Projections and assumptions is all we have to go on…

So I wanted to invite you to look a little deeper…

Let me ask you this:

Have you ever been surprised by your own decisions? Done something you thought you’d never do? Something that, at the time, you thought was bad?

I know I have, and on each occasion, though it may have precipitated surprise, change, massive disruption and often pain… at some level there was healing and growth underneath it.

My Soul, as I see it, had decided it was time to bring light to some aspect of my shadow… to set it free… enlighten it… In accordance with my prayers and intentions…

What you may not have thought about, or realised is:

The UK has a Soul.

All countries do, as part of their collective consciousness and identity. Nations (and anything with a defined boundary) are Beings in their own right. And if you are a UK citizen, then you are part of it. Like organs and cells are individually themselves, but also part of you.

So let me speak to something bigger than your personal, localised self… your personalised local Soul even…

And let me ask you this:

Are you willing to stay with your ‘self’ in the face of the healing that’s being asked for from your Soul? Or will you shy away, splinter off in anger and self recrimination? For as you rage and persecute those that voted to leave for ‘their ignorance’ you split the very thing you say you love, and prolong the pain.

The personal responses to the national decision very much reflect our responses to ourselves when we believe we have f*%ked things up.

I believe you are interested in a conscious, healing response to the reality of the situation…

So, let’s break it down:

I’ve stated these reactions in a pretty bold way, and you might say “I don’t think that”… just be aware that I’ve used these terms to highlight the essence of the reaction in a very obvious way, however they can show up in more subtle and ‘civilised/rational’ ways. And in anywise, it’s an invitation to ask yourself if these are happening within you…

REACTION 1: Everything’s going to sh%t!

Our minds are natural “Disaster Movie Making Machines”. You know this! So I invite you to examine your assumptions with some genuine self inquiry if you’re generating suffering in yourself by believing your minds scary story.

You can ask Byron Katie’s amazing questions, starting with “Is it true?”

REACTION 2: We should hang our heads in shame!

At the heart of this is an identity issue. You’ve taken the decision personally and attached a meaning to our national identity (including you) based on the decision we’ve made that is causing you pain. Shame and self condemnation my friend is pain.

Freeing up painful attachment to your sense of identity isn’t about denying your actions or their consequences. It’s about dropping the paralysing, disabling disempowerment, bringing clarity and freedom of movement to respond wholesomely in presence.

The NPA Process works directly with identity issues and is great for helping you step out of blocks which come from identity shifts. It empowers you to stop beating yourself up and start taking clear positive action at times like these. It also frees you up to allow IN the new sense of self that your Soul is calling for.

REACTION 3: We should attack those that voted to leave!

So you feel angry. I get it.
Things didn’t go as you wanted or expected… An idea about the future has been shattered. And you’re scared.

Anger can be a tough emotion to sit with. I get that too.
That’s why we tend to avoid it.
That’s why we project it out. Look for someone to blame.

“Those ignorant idiots! How could they do it?”

This doesn’t address the emotion directly. It doesn’t take the healing opportunity that’s being offered and it puts YOU firmly in the victim roll… which. I’m guessing, ISN’T where your heart lays…

You might expect me to say “Don’t be angry, it’s all as it’s meant to be” yada yada…

But that isn’t real is it? If you’re feeling anger… FEEL it. And I mean really feel it. Sit your ass down and let the pure anger come. It’s a wave, and like all emotions it comes to pass. The avenue of passage is direct and full experience… projecting it out is just playing tennis with it.

Letting it truly come to pass, again, will free you from unconscious pain inducing responses AND most likely bring you the gift of awareness about where this national decision hooks you at a personal level. All good!

You can certainly use NPA to help you fully experience this, and there are lots of modalities which encourage you to do this, including Transformational Breathing, Vipassana style meditation and more.

A great method for directly sitting in emotions, which I have practiced and taught all over the world, is The Journey… So I have included a link to that in a list of resources below.

Tough Love

I’ve called this tough love, because I believe we’re in a time where we are being called to USE the knowledge we have as awakened, conscious folk. I’ve seen a lot of these reactions from a lot of conscious people this morning… Including myself!

I felt, literally, moved to write this and I hope it serves you to bring greater peace, grounded-ness, consciousness and freedom when the energy in the air is a little bit crazy.

Please do share this if it resonates.

Much Love


The Work of Byron Katie:
The NPA Process:
The Journey:


7 Effortless Contemplations To Raise Your Vibration

7 Effortless Comtemplations To Raise Your VibrationIn this Musing on NPA & Life, I am inviting you to contemplate some non-personal notions & see where that takes you…

The thing about simply contemplating, and meeting any perspective as a notion (and folks – all we have are notions about the mystery) is that it invites an opening without agenda.

Agendaless-ness is at the heart of NPA and its a beautiful paradox that so much power becomes available as you loosen the grip of knowing and control, and allow the discovery to begin.

So contemplate these 7 notions i.e. read one, take a deep breath & close your eyes, ponder it, try it on for size and see what arises…

Just 1 minute on each will have a profound impact on your vibe… (longer would be awesome!) – it’s your gift to yourself ♥



Notion 1 - Perfection

Perfection is not about Happy Clappy LaLa land in permanent stasis, it’s about Divine Order – everything in the Universe exactly where it’s meant to be, which is where it is, in each moment – “Reality”, as Byron Katie puts it.

For you and your experience, that may be up, it may be down; a co-ordinate within the constant motion of Life.

In any case, I invite you to contemplate the notion that this (whatever you are experiencing right now) is what perfection looks like.



Notion 2 - Stuckness is Impossible

Everything is Energy. Energy exists in waves. Waves are in constant motion… constant motion is not stuck-ness, even though it can appear to be so…

So contemplate the notion that: “At a quantum level, everything is in constant motion. Stuckness, fundamentally, is impossible”



Notion 3 - Being Breathed

If you follow any thought, impulse or inspiration back to it’s source you will very quickly get beyond the self. In may ways that Del Amitri song ‘Always The Last To Know’ speaks a profound truth of our personal experience.

We like to think we are in charge, in control, the decider, but there are stupendous, enormous beyond comprehension, out of this world crazy big creative forces at work. The possibility matrix accounts for the sum of the Totality of experience across the multiverses and the bottom line in each moment gets expressed through you via thought/impulse/inspiration/decision.

As Ramesh S Balsekar, one of my fave Enlightened Master’s says: “Always a happening, never a doer”

At first this notion can seem disempowering and devastating to our inner control freak (we all have one), however this non-personal perspective soon reveals itself to be a liberation. Also, when you’re done contemplating, you can check my previous post called Bad News For Control Freaks

So, I invite you to contemplate the notion:

“You are being moved, being breathed, being ‘done’. You are not the active force; rather the receiver and expression of it.”

Learn How You Can Make Rapid Positive Shifts…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme will walk you step by step through the core training of The NPA Process and give you what you need to get started making a difference in your life right away with NPA.”




Notion 4 - Children of God

Sit with this one, especially if your road to healing, or path to awakening finds you judging, belittling, labelling as ‘less Spiritual’ or attempting to ‘rid’ yourself of any particular experience or aspect of yourself…

Contemplate notion 4: “Your Ego & your Soul are sibling children of God, loved equally and unconditionally”



Notion 5 - Parent Yourself

In my many years of self-healing and working with countless clients, I noticed that most painful behaviours were born from ‘child’ consciousness’ or young identities looking for something… Love, protection, acknowledgement, understanding etc etc…

The child energy seeks parental energy… And yet we tend to “personalise” parental energy, and therefore limit it’s origin, to our parents and carers.

So if the flow of parental energy through these fine people is shaped in a way that didn’t connect with our various child energies, an unmet need is generated.

The good news is that parental energy is non-personal and can joyfully flow through you to your child energies in exquisitely precise ways.

Through this notion I was liberated from my personal history, so I invite you to contemplate…

“If you parent yourself in all the ways you wish you had been parented, then Love will run amok in your heart, where need once did”

There’s also a more in depth blog on this subject HERE



Notion 6 - Open Wider

Aligning with the forceless force that animates all experience is only a contemplation away. And the forceless force is EXPANDING the entire Universe – at a physical and quantum level, so I invite you to align with it as you contemplate the notion…

“Your mind just opened a little bit wider, your breath just got a little bit deeper & a quiet ease just crept silently into your Soul…”



Notion 7 - Being You is the Gift

As we come to the end of this series of contemplations, let’s contemplate a little deeper…

Notion 7 is: “Being You is the greatest gift you can offer the Earth”

So what is ‘You’?
Who are ‘You’?
What does Being You look like?

There are lot’s of ‘standard’ spiritual answers to these questions… I am everything, I am nothing, I am a spiritual being in a human body… yada yada…

And I would invite you to contemplate the notion WITHOUT the baggage of Spiritual knowledge…

“Being YOU is the greatest gift you can offer the Earth”

Contemplate… Ponder… Wonder…
And enjoy the presence of discovery….


I hope these notions have stirred you, moved you, touched you or awakened something in you – even if it’s confirmation of your own perspective… And if they have please pay it forward and share this blog <3



Contemplate the question ‘Who am I?’ WITHOUT the baggage of Spiritual knowledge (via @JoelYoungNPA)

Contemplate, Ponder, Wonder… and enjoy the presence of discovery…. (via @JoelYoungNPA)

“Being YOU is the greatest gift you can offer the Earth” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“Aligning with the forceless force that animates all experience is only a contemplation away” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

A forceless force is EXPANDING the entire Universe at a physical and quantum level; I invite you to align with it (via @JoelYoungNPA)

“Most painful behaviours are born from ‘child’ consciousness’ or young identities looking for something” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“The child energy seeks parental energy. But we personalise the energy & limit it’s origin to our parents and carers” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“Your Ego & your Soul are sibling children of God, loved equally and unconditionally” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

In may ways that Del Amitri song ‘Always The Last To Know’ speaks a profound truth of our personal experience :0) (via @JoelYoungNPA)

We like to think we are in charge, in control, the decider, but grand energies prior to consciousness are more causal than our personal choices

“The possibility matrix accounts for the sum of the Totality of experience & expresses it as impulse/inspiration/decision” via @JoelYoungNPA

“Always a happening, never a doer” Ramesh S Balsekar (via @JoelYoungNPA)

“At a quantum level, everything is in constant motion. Stuckness, fundamentally, is impossible” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“Perfection is not about Happy Clappy LaLa Land in a permanent positively biased stasis, it’s about Divine Order” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“Meeting any perspective as a notion (& all we have are notions about the mystery) invites an opening without agenda” @JoelYoungNPA #quote

“So much power becomes available as you loosen the grip of knowing and control” @JoelYoungNPA #quote #wisdom

How To Get What You Want Without Trying

How To Get What You Want Without TryingStriving, trying hard, struggling… these are the misplaced modern virtues that keep us on the Ferris Wheel of exhaustion. They are hailed within our culture as noble and praise worthy. The mythology goes: ‘It ain’t worth a damn if you don’t bust your gut gettin’ it”

The thing is, we’re in one of those weird phases where we are culturally clinging to our mythology and simultaneously sick and tired of it. Or, to keep it mythological; the spell is wearing off but we’re still under.

You see, the spell rests on a simple mechanism. The spell dresses it seductively, oozes sincere promises and, when challenged, spouts spurious logic with convincing charm. “It is no mere mechanism,” it will tell you, “it is the way to get what you want!” The mechanism itself is neutral, available and happy for your ‘wants’ to come as they may…

So, what is the mechanism and what is the dressing?

Intention & Agenda

The mechanism is intention. The spell-binding dressing is agenda.

An agenda, in the way it’s meant here, is a fixed plan or idea of how things should be; how what you want should show up and perhaps the path that should lead to it’s arrival. 

An agenda about life tends to skew your perspective and rarely puts you in the discovery mode that facilitates an alive and energetically free state of being. Rather it has you trying to fix or control life, your experience and the experience of those around you.

Life has energy resources beyond anything you can imagine, let alone access personally. It is constantly offering you energetically pre-paid pathways of manifestation, which may or may not match your agenda. Your agenda makes you personally responsible for ‘making it happen that way’. It closes you off from Life’s creative chaos and puts the energy liability firmly in your court.

Drop The Agenda

When you drop the agenda about what life SHOULD be or look like, you are open to the the flow that is coming through you anyway.

Yes you read that right – ‘coming through you anyway’. You see, we’ve had the story of intention all rather back to front. We’ve been sold the idea that our agenda sets the intention, whereas a little self inquiry will reveal that that is not the case.

Actually, intention comes in service to a deep impulse, which originates prior to the experience of ‘self’. The impulse arises from the non-personal space and meets (or connects with) the personal experience. At that moment, the mechanism of intention is activated.

The impulse is the herald, announcing that the ESSENCE of what is wanted has arrived and is willing to express itself through you. Intention connects it to your personal experience and is very neutral about how that manifests.

When you drop the agenda, the impulse for the experience you ultimately want has space to emerge in ways that perhaps you hadn’t considered, or even in the form you expected it!

Dropping the agenda allows you to break the cultural spell and ride on the coat tails of the Universes infinite power. There’s less striving and more efficiency - you simply get what you want without trying.

Joel Young

Your comments, as always, are welcome and please share this with your networks if you found it helpful <3


Spiritual Seeking? The Fundamental Flaw…

No False Identities

It’s an odd notion that any identity would be false while another is real, and yet this is often the backbone of modern spiritual teachings and personal growth approaches.

It’s a seductive idea that appeals to the mind’s comparative and dualistic sense of reality.

As with everything, there is a context where the concept of false selves serves a purpose or seems useful, but as far as genuine spiritual investigation is concerned, it’s a misguided and confusing idea.

A Term

The “real” self is a term which refers to some named or implied state or perspective. Perhaps it’s called ‘higher’, ‘freer’, even ‘the Soul’ or some derivative. In any case all are identities on some level and so subject the the life cycle of experience i.e. it comes, it is experienced, it passes.

All experience is the illusion, and so in terms of real and false, they are equally false. So there are no false identities, only passing ones.

The problem is the use of the term Self and Real together. For in what is real, there is no self.

Genuine Spiritual Investigation

Seeking some notional ‘real’ self necessarily causes you to make some other ‘self’  invalid or wrong. The irony is that this is the  fundamental seed of all suffering. The judgement perpetuates the karmic cycle and is ultimately a distraction from genuine spiritual investigation. So, I invite you to drop the judgement and simply notice what is.

Imagine the currently experienced self as a cloud and experience it as it is. Sometimes you’ll notice clear skies, sometimes the cloud(s) will be high and barely have much impact on you. Sometimes the clouds are so low that it can seem like you’re in a never ending fog.

None-the-less, as you become present to each experience, you’ll begin to notice that, whatever the weather, it passes. And the still quiet presence that is the noticer really has nothing to do with its progress.

When this distinction is truly clear; then genuine spiritual investigation can begin.

Joel Young

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your freinds lives :0)


Do You Really Want Another “Holy” War?

Ego vs SoulThe ego is not the the devil and enlightenment is not God. Our culture however is steeped in this mythology.

Modern spiritual dogma that demonises the ego and canonises the Soul (or enlightened states) is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. It perpetuates the same old dualistic story of good vs evil, them and us, my perspective is better than yours etc.

This completely misses the point of spiritual investigation AND the opportunity of true freedom. Freedom is the realisation that all experience IS the illusion and therefore equal.

A Natural Invitation

From this perspective the natural invitation arises to:

  1. Notice what is given to the bigger expression through you… and
  2. Honour it completely.

The labels; ego, soul, awakening, enlightenment etc, quickly fall away… The ‘holy’ war in your heart ends and the human BEING emerges.

Joel Young
Originator of NPA

If it stirs, touches or inspires – please share :0)
