14 Festive FUBARs You Shouldn’t Take Personally

Your Gift... Is in the litter boxRemembering to not take things personally is a very freeing perspective.

However, in the stressy moments where you could most benefit from this awareness, it can be a challenge to truly connect to it. This, of course, is one of the areas where using The NPA Process can really help you! :0)

That being said, as the busy festive season presents intense opportunities to take things personally and stress out, I thought I’d make a list of some common situations where you might be tempted to make it personal.

The list is written as a set of invitations to remember that it’s NOT personal. Having this thought ‘pre-loaded’ in your awareness will help you feel much freer, easier and able to entertain a genuine smile. Think of it as preventative medicine as you read them and drink in the notion that you can easily remember that it’s not personal should any of these situations occur.

Get Set For A Christmas without Taking Things Personally…

NPA Basic Training - Start Here“This video programme gives you the core training for The NPA Process so you can start taking yourself from triggered states and stress to centred-ness and peace in as little as 45 seconds…”


The Run Up

1. When you’re jostled in the supermarket aisle, remember: It’s Not Personal
2. Shopping frenzy is in the air… remember: It’s Not Personal
3. If someone sends harsh words your way, remember that fundamentally It’s Not Personal ♥
4. If you didn’t get a snog at the Christmas party, remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
5. If you get a headache, remember: It’s Not Personal
6. If you’re hit with a bug or the flu this Christmas, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥

Christmas Day

7. If the kids don’t express eternal gratitude remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
8. If you don’t feel very well on the big day, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥
9. When your mother makes one of her remarks, remember: It’s Not Personal
10. If you don’t win any of the cracker pull-offs… remember It’s Not Personal ;0)
11. When your family get fractious over Christmas, remember: It’s Not Personal

Boxing Day

12. If they forgot to call you, remember: It’s Not Personal ♥
13. As you nurse a hangover, remember: It’s Not Personal ;0)
14. If you’re stuck in Boxing Day traffic, remember: It’s Not Personal

Have a Merry Christmas – and remember: It’s Not Personal!


How To Get What You Want Without Trying

How To Get What You Want Without TryingStriving, trying hard, struggling… these are the misplaced modern virtues that keep us on the Ferris Wheel of exhaustion. They are hailed within our culture as noble and praise worthy. The mythology goes: ‘It ain’t worth a damn if you don’t bust your gut gettin’ it”

The thing is, we’re in one of those weird phases where we are culturally clinging to our mythology and simultaneously sick and tired of it. Or, to keep it mythological; the spell is wearing off but we’re still under.

You see, the spell rests on a simple mechanism. The spell dresses it seductively, oozes sincere promises and, when challenged, spouts spurious logic with convincing charm. “It is no mere mechanism,” it will tell you, “it is the way to get what you want!” The mechanism itself is neutral, available and happy for your ‘wants’ to come as they may…

So, what is the mechanism and what is the dressing?

Intention & Agenda

The mechanism is intention. The spell-binding dressing is agenda.

An agenda, in the way it’s meant here, is a fixed plan or idea of how things should be; how what you want should show up and perhaps the path that should lead to it’s arrival. 

An agenda about life tends to skew your perspective and rarely puts you in the discovery mode that facilitates an alive and energetically free state of being. Rather it has you trying to fix or control life, your experience and the experience of those around you.

Life has energy resources beyond anything you can imagine, let alone access personally. It is constantly offering you energetically pre-paid pathways of manifestation, which may or may not match your agenda. Your agenda makes you personally responsible for ‘making it happen that way’. It closes you off from Life’s creative chaos and puts the energy liability firmly in your court.

Drop The Agenda

When you drop the agenda about what life SHOULD be or look like, you are open to the the flow that is coming through you anyway.

Yes you read that right – ‘coming through you anyway’. You see, we’ve had the story of intention all rather back to front. We’ve been sold the idea that our agenda sets the intention, whereas a little self inquiry will reveal that that is not the case.

Actually, intention comes in service to a deep impulse, which originates prior to the experience of ‘self’. The impulse arises from the non-personal space and meets (or connects with) the personal experience. At that moment, the mechanism of intention is activated.

The impulse is the herald, announcing that the ESSENCE of what is wanted has arrived and is willing to express itself through you. Intention connects it to your personal experience and is very neutral about how that manifests.

When you drop the agenda, the impulse for the experience you ultimately want has space to emerge in ways that perhaps you hadn’t considered, or even in the form you expected it!

Dropping the agenda allows you to break the cultural spell and ride on the coat tails of the Universes infinite power. There’s less striving and more efficiency - you simply get what you want without trying.

Joel Young

Your comments, as always, are welcome and please share this with your networks if you found it helpful <3


Dodgey Territory On The Road To Heaven

What Is Asked ForIt is not the nature of the Universe to deny what has been asked for. Sometimes what has been asked for (whether it is realised or not) is pain, confusion, separation from power source and lack of clarity…

Sometimes, as you travel through the landscape of life, you pass through challenging terrain, stinky streets or perhaps harsh deserts. It’s easy to look skyward and ask “Why this? Have I not beseeched thee for all things lovely?” But you have been inspired to travel BY those very prayers and to get to the land of your dreams, requires that the journey takes you through THESE lands, if come they do.

Now, this is very different from saying “you have held the wrong vibration, or not entertained right-thinking thoughts”… Those thoughts, (if they have arisen) are simply more of the landscape, and maybe at times the fuel for your feet, that gave you the drive to carry on through…

Prior to ‘You’

The source of these thoughts, and even the prayer, is prior to ‘you’ and non-personal…

One of the things I have found to be a great relief in the energy of non-personal awareness is the clarifications around certain modern ‘spiritual’ ideas, which have come to be the cause of the very suffering and judgement they claim to heal…

When I posted this quote on my Facebook page it promoted some questions via private message, which gives me an opportunity to offer further clarification here…

Q1: “Are you meaning that when we have painful times in our lives we have asked for them?”

The main perspective I wanted to offer by posting this particular quote AND the message that came with it, is that those ‘painful’ experiences may be ‘on route’ to the bigger vision that has been asked for.

Some modern ‘spiritual’ ideas can imply that it is ‘wrong thinking’ that ‘created’ it, which has the tendency to promote self-blame, judgement and an interruption of the flow.

It is also true that at some level those experiences ARE asked for directly… in the same way that on a road trip, each turn of the steering wheel is an ‘ask’.

If the route requires we drive through dodgy territory, then the turn of the wheel that put you on that part of the journey could be said to be responsible for ‘creating’ the experience :0)

Q2: “And we can throw away the spiritual adage that our thoughts create our reality?”


“Your thoughts create your reality” is a largely uninvestigated and cab be a misleading statement. Thoughts are an EXPRESSION of the creative impulse, and are a ‘potential’, or you could say ‘optional’, mechanism within the matrix of experience.

It’s like saying hammers create houses. Which negates the architect, the blue prints, the thousands of other tools that are used AND the option of using a nail gun ;0)

Hammers are very likely to be used in the creation of a house, but their use is at consequence to the inspiration to build a house. In the same way, distinct thoughts are very likely to be in the chain of creating your experience, but they are not the ultimate source.

Inquiry Invitation

As always, I am simply offering my perspective fully here, and I invite you to investigate this for yourself. Here’s an exercise you could try…

  1. Find a quiet place where you wont be interrupted, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
  2. Now take a thought – any thought (you probably have a few hanging around) and ask yourself the question “What is the source of this?
  3. Wait for an answer to arise.
    NB. Inquiry is not about seeking an answer, it’s about asking the questions, being still and letting an answer or a response find you! In this exercise it may be another thought, a feeling, a picture or some kind of direct experience – just let it be what it is. You may even lose ‘words’ pretty quickly.
  4. Whatever arises, just notice it and ask yourself the questions again: “What is the source of this”
  5. Repeat this question and discovery sequence over and over several times – as many as feels right to you.

I’d love to hear what you experienced and what you discovered in the comments below :0)

Please share, if you feel this perspective could enrich your friends lives :0)
